Robert Abrams Explain the Healing Power of Positive Thinking With Mind Power

Do you remember when you were sick last? I’m sure it felt horrible. And, what’s worse, as you develop illness, big or small, you eventually succumb to negative thoughts as you unconsciously stare the sickness down into the illnesses beady little eyes. You focus on the illness. It usually happens as you permit our thoughts to focus on what’s wrong, the negative. Now, try to remember when a loved one looks after you and continues to assure you that you will get better soon. You shift your focus on the healthy, more positive future and you lose site of the negative aspect, you only have positive thoughts.

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Positive thinking is no medical miracle, no quick fix pill that eliminates all illnesses instantly. But, in a short time, comparatively, you’re better. The same concept is used in placebo medicine, it’s as if it causes your mind to have a strong belief that everything is going to be alright and you are going to get better soon. This is the power of Positive thoughts, the belief that you will get better, and along with the real results or the implied results from the medicine, this work hand in hand for a positive result.

There’s been test after tests, researches after researches about the power of positive thinking on healing. Most studies have proven that positive thoughts can indeed speed up a person’s healing.

There was a scientific research done to see how a person’s thoughts can impact their health. It was proven that when people are stressed, our ability to fight off illnesses or diseases, the immune system of the body, gets weaker. Now, when that same person transforms their thoughts to a positively nature, hence minimizing their stress, the immune system strengthens.

Here are few tips by Robert Abrams  to attain positive thinking:

1) Feel Positive – let positive feelings flow through you. Use mental images (go to your happy place). Find the feeling of happiness, success and strength.

2) Be Near Positive – surround yourself with people who positive and just in their thoughts but in their actions also. It can be contagious, either Positive or negative feelings. Being around those whose moods are negative, the glass is half empty people can also make your spirits negative. But bring those positive folks around whose outlook on life is positive then so will yours. Remember, you are the sum total of the people you surround yourself with!


3) Say Positive, Think Positive – Hear Positive, Think Positive. Always use positive words and listen to positive music, not only when speaking but also when you are thinking. Words like “I am capable” and “I can” are powerful mood changers.

Growing a positive thought process is the key to inner self-healing. It’s not that easy to do, especially when we are always around negative people but it is do-able. A positive outlook in life will empower you, motivate you, even if your situation or circumstances is far from where or what you want it to be, just be positive and you can expect positive results, even if it is only in your spirit. Guaranteed, with a positive adjustment to your life, your life will change.

In self-healing by thinking positive, I should also say that you should still need to seek out the help of a doctor And a Advisior  Like  Robert Abrams for that professional opinion and advice, when you are not feeling well. I’m also not advising to not take medicines anymore and that all you need is to think positive about your condition and you’ll get better. I’m trying to tell you to use positive thinking side by side with your current treatment.


If you are being treated and you are also in a negative thought process about your life and condition, you will definitely get worse. On the other hand, if you are in an unfortunate state of affair and you focus on positive thinking side by side with your treatment, then it will seriously strengthen your odds dramatically. Your thoughts and your mind and have enormous power on your body and life!

As always, here’s wishing you Great Health & Great Wealth. To know more about Robert Abrams and Business Success Alliance please visit here :-

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